Zac Lomax adds the extras.
Shaun Lane pounces on a Dylan Brown grubber.
Parra get a scrum.
It ends as it begins with Sean Russell denied a try by a forward pass.
Eels penalty.
Crowd: 17,286
Zac Lomax catches a bomb and gets wrapped up by the Manly defence.
Daly Cherry-Evans is tackled on the last.
The Eels put up a bomb in vain. It's just not happening for the Eels.
DCE kicks long and it goes dead! The Eels will get a seven tackle set.
Garrick puts the Sea Eagles up by 20.
Lehi Hopoate sends Tolutau Koula over for the match winner.
NO TRY. The bunker rules Siosiua Taukeiaho was tackled short of the line.
Siosiua Taukeiaho is claiming a try. The referee has sent it to the bunker.
J'maine Hopgood manages to beat Luke Brooks to a grubber kick. Play will resume with a line drop out.
Shaun Lane has been cleared to return.
Isaiah Iongi is tackled a metre out from his try line.
Garrick adds two points.
Luke Brooks threw a good short pass to send Waddell over for a four-pointer.
Corey Waddell crashes over!
Kitione Kautoga loses the ball.
Haumole Olakau'atu can't hold onto a pass after a good tackle from Dylan Brown.
Parramatta knock on close to their line.
Zac Lomax throws a pass, intended for Sean Russell, that goes over the sideline.
Ryley Smith makes an incisive run through the middle of the field.
Junior Paulo delivered a great pass to send Joe Ofahengaue over close to the line.
Lomax converts.
Joe Ofahengaue scores!
Shaun Lane is off the field for a HIA.
DCE kicks out on the full; the Eels will start a set inside the Manly half.
Jason Saab tries to catch a DCE bomb but he can't hold onto the ball.
Dylan Brown puts in an awful kick that gifts the Sea Eagles a seven tackle set.
Isaiah Iongi returns the ball close to his 30 metre line.
Garrick adds the two.
The Sea Eagles will kick to go beyond two converted tries.
Manly penalty.
It's just not Parra's day - Lehi Hopoate throws a pass to Sea Russell, who knocks on!
The Eels lose the ball inside their own half.
Ethan Bullemor loses the ball.
The Eels come up with an error coming out of their end.
Haumole Olakau'atu KICKED for Jason Saab, but Josh Addo-Carr was able to get to the ball first.
Haumole Olakau'atu is into space...
The early diagnosis on Tom Trbojevic is an MCL (knee) issue.
Tom Trbojevic has not returned for the second half; Lehi Hopoate is at fullback.
Play is back underway - Junior Paulo takes the first run.
Manly lead 12-0.
Will Penisini is wrapped up and that should give the Sea Eagles a 12-0 lead at the change of ends.
The Eels get the ball back.
The Eels are challenging a knock on ruling.
Parramatta do absolutely nothing with an attacking set. Dean Hawkins puts up a bomb for Zac Lomax, who knocks on in the contest.
Manly contest a bomb, but Sam Tuivati is on the spot to clean up for the Eels.
Dean Hawkins eyes a 40/20 but the ball stays in the field of play.
The Eels survive.
Isaiah Iongi drops a bomb and the Sea Eagles will get another attacking set.
Jake Simpkin is on for the Sea Eagles.
The Eels squander another attacking chance.
Jake Trbojevic makes a great catch to clean up a Joey Lussick grubber kick.
Eels penalty.
Ethan Bullemor breaks through the guts of the Eels' defence and passes to Tom Trbojevic - but the Manly fullback can't hold onto the ball.
Jason Saab gets out of his in-goal.
Reuben Garrick manages to stay in the field of play after catching a cross field kick from Dean Hawkins.
Dylan Brown makes a good run inside the Sea Eagles' half.
Eels penalty.
Josh Aloiai is being assessed for an AC injury.
Garrick converts from in front.
Reuben Garrick will kick to extend the lead.
Parramatta concede a penalty with Dean Hawkins failing to kick the drop out inside the shot clock.
Isaiah Iongi knocks a grubber kick dead. Play will resume with a line drop out.
Manly penalty.
Garrick's kick is waved away.
Hopoate touches down for a four-pointer!
Nathan Brown draws a penalty with his first run of the day.
Isaiah Iongi puts too much on a chip kick and the Sea Eagles will get a seven tackle set.
Eels penalty.
The Eels survive a fight close to their line with the referee ruling Isaiah Iongi didn't play at a second kick from DCE.
Isaiah Iongi makes a good catch under the high ball.
Josh Aloiai takes the first carry again.
Garrick adds the extras.
A right side shift put Saab into space; he brushed aside Isaiah Iongi to race over for first points!
Saab races down the sideline for first points!
Sean Russell goes over for a try, but the referee rules the final pass from Zac Lomax went forward. NO TRY.
Six again for the Eels inside the Manly half.
Isaiah Iongi is collected high and gets a penalty.
Sean Russell manages to get out of his in-goal after a rushed kick by DCE on the final tackle.
Reuben Garrick is cut down close to the line by Will Penisini on the final tackle.
Manly get a penalty after Tolu Koula was run off the ball.
Manly get an early penalty.
Josh Aloiai takes the first carry of the day.
Daly Cherry-Evans is greeted to rapturous applause as the Sea Eagles run out to the sounds of Eagle Rock.
Joe Ofahengaue leads the Eels out in his milestone game.
Parramatta have won one of their past six visits to 4 Pines Park.
Manly have won five of the past nine clashes against Parramatta this decade.
The Eels will be looking to win their first match of the season without Jack Williams. Joe Ofahenguae starts up front in his 200th NRL game, while Charlie Guymer and Sam Tuivati join the bench.
The Sea Eagles will line up as per program with Nathan Brown coming into the side for the first time this season.
Welcome to League Unlimited’s coverage of Round 4 Sunday Afternoon Football between the Manly Sea Eagles and Parramatta Eels from 4 Pines Park.
Referees & scorers:
Referee: Todd Smith
Touch Judges: David Munro, Chris Sutton
Video Referee: Ashley Klein
Tries: Jason Saab, Lehi Hopoate, Corey Waddell, Tolutau Koula
Field Goals:
Two Point Field Goals:
Conversions: Reuben Garrick (3/4)
Penalty Goals: Reuben Garrick (2/2)
Tries: Joe Ofahengaue, Shaun Lane
Field Goals:
Two Point Field Goals:
Conversions: Zac Lomax (2/2)
Penalty Goals: