Full time. Thank you for joining the live updating tonight. Semi Radradra and the Eels were too good after a fast start. A match report will follow shortly.
Parramatta Eels 22-6
Moses tries to kick for the sideline but it doesn't make it. Hughes takes it. Melbourne try a chip kick from Asofa-Solomona on the siren, they gain 50 metres but Parramatta finishes with the ball.
Parramatta Eels 22-6
Croft tries another kick, this time from 20 metres out and on tackle three. Radradra has it covered.
Parramatta Eels 22-6
Croft puts a kick low and towards the goal posts. Jennings takes it out for a goal line dropout.
Parramatta Eels 22-6
PENALTY Melbourne. The Storm quickly get to within 20 metres out when this penalty is given. Melbourne play on almost immediately.
Parramatta Eels 22-6
The Eels get to fifth tackle and Jennings puts in a poor kick from 40 metres out. Hughes gains 40 metres on the return.
Parramatta Eels 22-6
Jacks throws a long cut out pass to Addo-Carr. He runs hard for the line but covering defenders bundle him into touch. Great defence on a Storm side that hasn't given up the match.
Parramatta Eels 22-6
PENALTY Melbourne. Parramatta hold on too long in the tackle on tackle four.
Parramatta Eels 22-6
The Eels gain 42 metres on the set. The energy has gone out of this match and Melbourne start their set deep in their own half.
Parramatta Eels 22-6
SUCCESSFUL CONVERSION PARRAMATTA EELS: Conversion attempt by Clint Gutherson successful.
This is his second converted try from the sideline tonight.
Parramatta Eels 22-6
TRY PARRAMATTA EELS: Scored by Clint Gutherson. Kick to come.
No fancy play about this try from Gutherson. He gets the ball early in the right centre position, he runs around Tohu Harris, who is filling in at centre for Blair, and scores. Gutherson's effort has been outstanding tonight, Nathan Brown also deserves a mention for effort.
Parramatta Eels 20-6
The high fifth tackle kick lands on Hughes' foot and it's another set for Parramatta.
Parramatta Eels 16-6
From dummy half the pass from Melbourne finds nobody and Parramatta race up to take possession.
Parramatta Eels 16-6
Myles takes the first hit up and Matagi acts as if he is about to make contact with a punch to Myles. It stops play, but no infringement has been made.
Parramatta Eels 16-6
PENALTY Melbourne. Nate Myles offloaded for Joe Stimson, Stimson runs 10 metres and loses a ball due to a strip.
Parramatta Eels 16-6
Craig Bellamy has come down to the sideline to coach. Knock-on from the Eels 20 metres away from the tryline.
Parramatta Eels 16-6
Play resumes with a seven tackle set. PENALTY Parramatta. The crowd become louder in their disapproval, big chance for the Eels to go to an unassailable lead.
Parramatta Eels 16-6
Brown has not got up from making the try saving effort. On replays the crowd can see a professional foul from Gutherson to temporarily block Addo-Carr from chasing. The referee misses it and the crowd is enraged.
Parramatta Eels 16-6
Addo-Carr goes on a line break from the left wing, he chip kicks for himself and Nathan Brown, Nathan Brown of all people beats Addo-Carr to the ball in the in goal, saving a certain try.
Parramatta Eels 16-6
It's a poor end to the set as a kick goes trickling out of bounds for a seven tackle set.
Parramatta Eels 16-6
Melbourne go the length of the field after Jesse Bromwich makes a line break. Parramatta hang on as French beats Addo-Carr to the catch. Gutherson takes the ball and runs 50 metres.
Parramatta Eels 16-6
The Eels scramble on tackle five, a poor pass from dummy half sends them backwards. A French grubber is claimed by Addo-Carr in he field of play.
Parramatta Eels 16-6
Kenny Bromwich pokes his hands through the line and passes for Jacks, but he comes up with a knock-on.
Parramatta Eels 16-6
The Eels are building strong momentum but the fifth tackle grubber kick goes directly to Hughes out the back. Hughes tries an offload on tackle zero! Luckily, the Eels knock the ball on.
Parramatta Eels 16-6
PENALTY Parramatta. The Eels take their time and then start a set 40 metres away from the tryline.
Parramatta Eels 16-6
Croft nearly comes up with a line break just by taking on the line. Gower knocks the ball free from Croft's control and the Eels turn defence into attack.
Parramatta Eels 16-6
The Eels shift down the right edge, Gutherson puts French into space along the sideline. French kicks the ball in field, but it's gone too long and it's out of bounds on the full.
Parramatta Eels 16-6
Melbourne's forwards struggle to make metres. They have to kick from well within their own half on tackle five.
Parramatta Eels 16-6
The crowd is quiet as the Eels play simple football. It looks like they're defending a lead as opposed to trying to score more points. Melbourne get possession within 15 metres of their goal line.
Parramatta Eels 16-6
Parramatta is forced to kick long, they haven't started the second half anywhere near as strongly as they did the first half.
Parramatta Eels 16-6
Harris in at left centre gets a half break on tackle four. On tackle five Tonumaipea takes a cross field kick and lands half a metre short of the line. Changeover.
Parramatta Eels 16-6
PENALTY Melbourne. This takes the Storm to within 55 metres of the tryline.
Parramatta Eels 16-6
Nothing special from the Eels before fifth tackle. Norman tries a cross field chip which lands with Harris on the goal line. He makes it in the field of play.
Parramatta Eels 16-6
Moses shows great poise to grubber kick for the in goal for Jennings. He was centimetres away from clutching at the footy, but Melbourne knock it away for a goal line dropout.
Parramatta Eels 16-6
40/20 PARRAMATTA EELS: Cameron King kicks a 40/20.
Cameron King has just changed everything with a 40/20 kick nobody expected. Great play.
Parramatta Eels 16-6
Good kick from Melbourne, Gutherson has to run back to the goal posts to field the ball. The Storm have just gained an advantage on field positioning.
Parramatta Eels 16-6
Parramatta complete an average set to about 35 metres out. Norman's kick is slightly more challenging, but no chasers can apply pressure.
Parramatta Eels 16-6
Slow start to this half. It's the another changeover on fifth tackle as neither side is being forced to contest high kicks, due to their poor placement.
Parramatta Eels 16-6
A strange kick from Corey Norman to finish the basic set. It's a low and short kick which allows Vunivalu an easy uncontested catch.
Parramatta Eels 16-6
UNFORCED ERROR MELBOURNE STORM: Kenneath Bromwich makes an unforced error.
On fifth tackle the Storm kick high but don't force Parramatta to contest, Kenneath Bromwich knocks-on.
Parramatta Eels 16-6
Griffin passed his HIA and is back on the field. Asofa-Solomona takes a strong first hit up, makes great metres.
Parramatta Eels 16-6
We're underway for the second half. Parramatta has kicked off.
Parramatta Eels 16-6
That's halftime. The Eels stopped trying to score with 10 seconds to go before halftime, but they had the momentum which might have created a line break.
Parramatta Eels 16-6
Croft tests Radradra under the high ball again. Radradra has been the best player on the field so far, that's not the best idea. The winger takes the catch easily.
Parramatta Eels 16-6
SUCCESSFUL CONVERSION MELBOURNE STORM: Conversion attempt by Joe Stimson successful.
Who knew Stimson could kick. This was an easy conversion from beside the goal post.
Parramatta Eels 16-6
TRY MELBOURNE STORM: Scored by Jahrome Hughes. Kick to come.
Something from nothing is this try. Hughes cuts out two Melbourne players for a pass to Vunivalu. The winger sprints past the Parramatta defensive line and kicks in field for three chasers with no Eels players in sight. Hughes makes it first to the ball and scores.
Parramatta Eels 16-4
The Eels are dominating Melbourne in every way. The Storm start their set inside their 20 metre zone.
Parramatta Eels 16-0
Cheyse Blair will not return tonight due to a leg injury.
Parramatta Eels 16-0
UNFORCED ERROR MELBOURNE STORM: Josh Addo-Carr makes an unforced error.
Kenneath Bromwich makes a decent pass for Addo-Carr but the winger can't handle it.
Parramatta Eels 16-0
PENALTY Melbourne. The Storm did not look like scoring, so this is a bad penalty on tackle five. A fresh set for Melbourne starts quickly.
Parramatta Eels 16-0
Griffin has left the field for the HIA. PENALTY Storm. Melbourne are able to start a set from 30 metres out due to the infringement.
Parramatta Eels 16-0
Parramatta couldn't break the Storm defence before tackle five. Norman continues the grubber approach on tackle five and Vunivalu fields the ball and makes it back to the field of play.
Parramatta Eels 16-0
Melbourne finally contain the right side attack from the Eels. Parramatta still get a great result from the set, Moses places a grubber behind the goal posts and it forces a goal line dropout.
Parramatta Eels 16-0
Tim Mannah left the field for a head injury assessment test, he failed the test and won't return. Blair has left the field with a leg injury.
Parramatta Eels 16-0
At halfway he's ruled to have lost the ball at the play the ball, but it's an unfair call from the referee.
Parramatta Eels 16-0
A basic set from Parramatta ends with Addo-Carr fielding a kick with room to move, he passes to Hughes to take the hit up.
Parramatta Eels 16-0
Jacks kicks high towards the right goal post from 15 metres out. Kaufusi and Takairangi contest the ball and it's a knock-on from Kaufusi. Melbourne claimed a try on the play but that will not be awarded as the Bunker has found this knock-on.
Parramatta Eels 16-0
UNFORCED ERROR PARRAMATTA EELS: Cameron King makes an unforced error.
The Eels are rolling up field. They've made 60 metres in four tackles but King's pass from a dummy half run goes to ground and is knocked-on.
Parramatta Eels 16-0
SUCCESSFUL CONVERSION PARRAMATTA EELS: Conversion attempt by Clint Gutherson successful.
Brushes the post and bounces through.
Parramatta Eels 16-0
TRY PARRAMATTA EELS: Scored by Semi Radradra. Kick to come.
Parramatta Eels 14-0
Vunivalu comes back from the sin bin on tackle three. On the next play Vunivalu rushes in from his wing, while Radradra receives a slick Takairangi pass and grounds the footy in the corner before two cover defenders can take him into touch.
Parramatta Eels 10-0
Norman on tackle five gets a cross field kick towards Jennings. Jacks catches the footy and Jennings forces a tackle which sends Jacks to the in goal. Goal line dropout coming, the first for the Eels tonight.
Parramatta Eels 10-0
PENALTY Parramatta. Melbourne gift the Eels field position on the first set after points.
Parramatta Eels 10-0
SUCCESSFUL CONVERSION PARRAMATTA EELS: Conversion attempt by Clint Gutherson successful.
Gutherson takes care of the easy kick.
Parramatta Eels 10-0
TRY PARRAMATTA EELS: Scored by Mitchell Moses. Kick to come.
That's a 60 metre try from Parramatta. It's come from the right side attack once again. Moses to Gutherson, quickly on to Jennings. Jennings runs 30m and with closing in Storm defenders he kicks in field towards Moses who gathers and puts the ball down beside the right goal post. Electric footy.
Parramatta Eels 8-0
Basic set from Melbourne and Jacks puts a kick over the sideline at the Paramatta 10 metre line. Smart.
Parramatta Eels 4-0
Tim Mannah has come from the field. That's much earlier than usual. Not sure why. Slow set from the Eels, Norman kicks low to Vunivalu. Poor set considering they have a 13 v 12 advantage.
Parramatta Eels 4-0
Croft kicks low and gets the ball into touch. A play which looks like a Cooper Cronk kick.
Parramatta Eels 4-0
Parramatta were rushed for no reason in their set. Edwards offloads to a Storm player in position to pick off suspect offloads.
Parramatta Eels 4-0
SIN BIN: Suliasi Vunivalu is sent to the sin bin.
Parramatta Eels 4-0
Radradra palms off Harris at centre and he breaks down the sideline. Vunivalu comes across in cover and tackles Radradra just 15 metres out. It's his third line break tonight. Vunivalu holds on for too long and is sin binned.
Parramatta Eels 4-0
Jesse Bromwich offloads with three on him. Jacks attacks the line on tackle four to no avail. Harris is forced into kicking to end the set, his grubber kick only travels two metres and troubles nobody. Eels take possession five metres from their in goal.
Parramatta Eels 4-0
Melbourne from the penalty get a set from within 40 metres of the tryline. Croft places a grubber kick to the in goal area which Radradra forces dead. Goal line dropout coming for Melbourne to receive.
Parramatta Eels 4-0
Norman kicks from inside the 40 meter line on tackle four. There was no chance of a 40/20. Tim Mannah concedes a penalty on the first tackle. He's got a bad cut above his eye which stops play briefly.
Parramatta Eels 4-0
UNSUCCESSFUL CONVERSION PARRAMATTA EELS: Conversion attempt by Clint Gutherson unsuccessful.
This kick never looked like getting through the posts from the right sideline.
Parramatta Eels 4-0
TRY PARRAMATTA EELS: Scored by Bevan French. Kick to come.
Slick looking attack so far from Parrramatta. Moses gets the ball at first receiver on the short side, within 10 metres of the tryline, and his cut out pass to French is superb. French moves quick from receiving a ball flat footed and scoots to the try line before Hughes can touch him.
Parramatta Eels 4-0
Melbourne end their set in identical fashion as the last one. No pressure on Radradra and he beats tacklers to make another 30 meters. Fast open footy to start from Parramatta.
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UNFORCED ERROR PARRAMATTA EELS: Michael Jennings makes an unforced error.
Jennings gets space down the right sideline as the Storm defence backs away, but Jennings losses the ball when being brought to ground by Blair.
0 all
Croft kicks high to Radradra's wing, but there's no pressure on the kick. The winger beats three attempted tackles and makes 30m down the ground.
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Hughes fields a Moses kick to make the first hitup for the Storm.
0 all
The Eels make it to halfway to end their opening set.
Both teams are on the field. Melbourne are kicking off. Here we go!
Welcome to tonight's coverage of Melbourne Storm v Parramatta Eels. The ladder leading Storm take the field tonight without six of their regular first graders who are on origin duty. This provides a favourable opportunity for Parramatta at AAMI Park to improve on their record of two wins from their last eight clashes against Melbourne.
The Eels have won four of their last five matches and are favourites tonight, but their win last week against the Bulldogs was tight and far from their best. The Bulldogs forwards dominated the meters and this Melbourne Storm pack is capable of pinning Parramatta to their own half from long periods of time. The Storm take the field after dominating the Broncos at Suncorp Stadium.
Stick around for kickoff at approximately 7:35pm.
Referees & scorers:
Referee: Gavin Badger, Jon Stone
Touch Judges: Jeff Younis, Chris Treneman
Video Referee: Ashley Klein, Bryan Norrie
Tries: Jahrome Hughes
Field Goals:
Conversions: Joe Stimson (1/1)
Penalty Goals:
Tries: Bevan French, Clint Gutherson, Mitchell Moses, Semi Radradra
Field Goals:
Conversions: Clint Gutherson (3/4)
Penalty Goals: