RESULTS: 2025 NSWRL U19 Westpac Tarsha Gale Cup Round 5
7 hours ago | LeagueUnlimited Media
The National Rugby League can provide the following integrity update:
May will be allowed to return to the NRL in round 5 this year providing he agrees to participate and complete a Secondary Prevention Program.
The Penrith Panthers will also fine May 25 per cent of his 2019 salary.
NRL chief executive Todd Greenberg said he had factored in the lengthy amount of time May had been stood down.
"Tyrone May has effectively served a 12-month suspension from the game, which reflects the seriousness with which the game treats these offences. Providing he participates and completes what we have asked of him, he will be allowed back in the NRL during the first quarter of the season. May's case should send a clear message to all of our players about the severity of such conduct."
The NRL is awaiting additional material from Scott concerning his charging with multiple offences on 27 January 2020.
A decision on whether Scott will be subject to the No-Fault Stand Down will be made following receipt of those materials early next week.
Mr Greenberg noted that Scott was facing extremely serious allegations.
On the information currently available to the NRL, Reynolds will not be subject to the No-Fault Stand Down.
The NRL Integrity Unit will continue to monitor his court proceedings closely.
Mr Greenberg said Reynolds was subject of a very complex matter.
"Josh Reynolds has been upfront and open about his situation. He proactively advised the Integrity Unit prior to the commencement of the police investigation and I would encourage other players to be as forthcoming. That said the allegation he faces is serious and we will continue to work with and receive updates about his situation from NSW Police."
The NRL will reserve its decision about Sivo until the matter is next in court on February 17.