RESULTS: 2024 QRL Hostplus Cup Finals Week 1


All the results and scorers from the qualifying and elimination finals.

All listed times are AEST (NSW/QLD/VIC/ACT).

RELATED: See the full list of 2024 QRL Hostplus Cup Draw and Results.

Northern Pride 38 Sunshine Coast Falcons 0
Venue: Barlow Park, Cairns / Yidinji

Date: Sat, 31st August.   Kickoff: 2:00 PM.   Halftime: Northern 18-0.   Referee: Ben Watts.   

Northern: Chester, Derby, Partridge, Burns, Taumoepeau; Lui, Duffy; Little, Schneider (C), Lui-Toso, Moore, Aukafolau, Bitungane. Int: Child, West, Kira, Ta'ufo'ou.
Sunshine Coast: Miles, Gudgeon, Couper, McIndoe, Galeano; Polselli, Hunter; Pitovao, Paterson, Faatili, Geraghty, Peters, Burns (C). Int: Heenan, Hill, Sutton, Baker.

Northern Pride (38)
Tries: Ash Little, Jensen Taumoepeau, Will Partridge, Dantoray Lui, Thomas Duffy, Mason Kira
Goals: Thomas Duffy 7/7

Sunshine Coast Falcons (0)

PNG Hunters 23 Wynnum Manly Seagulls 8
Venue: Santos National Football Stadium, Port Moresby / PNG

Date: Sat, 31st August.   Kickoff: 4:00 PM.   Halftime: PNG 16-8.   Referee: Tyson Brough.   

PNG: Wabo, Nima, Roltinga, Mathias, Wane; Lau, Mavoko; Worot, Rimbu, Bandi, Tau-Loi, Kelly, Alu. Int: Glare, Talin, Rop, Mire.
Wynnum: Milson, Hopoate, Enasio, Broadhurst, Schwalger; Falls, Donovan; Page-Wilson, Paix, Stuckey, Frei (C), Hunt, Saitaua. Int: Gale, Pascoe, Malt, Hetherington.

Papua New Guinea Hunters (23)
Tries: Brandon Nima, Judah Rimbu, Sanny Wabo, Robert Mathias
Goals: Jamie Mavoko 3/4
Field Goals: Joshua Lau 1

Wynnum Manly Seagulls (8)
Tries: Connor Broadhurst
Goals: Bryce Donovan 2/2

Central Queensland Capras 32 Burleigh Bears 24
Venue: Rugby Park, Rockhampton / Darumbal

Date: Sat, 31st August.   Kickoff: 6:00 PM.   Halftime: Central QLD 18-4.   Referee: Nick Pelgrave.   

Central: Moore, Tenza, Marshall, Farr, Lee; Milford, Madden; Szepanowski, Browne, Jackson, Doyle, John, Donoghoe. Int: Moore, Teroi, Leonard, Waiembi.
Burleigh: Toia, Leo, Sauiluma, Pere, O'Meley; Gardiner, Hamilton; Butler, Politoni, Baker, Murray, Schwass, Coster. Int: Geyer, O'Neill, Koellner, Sheldon.

Central Queensland Capras (32)
Tries: Bob Tenza 2, Anthony Milford, Zev John, Blake Moore, Larson Dale-Doyle
Goals: Trey Brown 4/7

Burleigh Bears (24)
Tries: Sami Sauiluma, Hayden Schwass, Kea Pere, Troy Leo, Creedence Toia
Goals: Guy Hamilton 2/5

Norths Devils 46 Redcliffe Dolphins 18
Venue: Bishop Park, Nundah / Turrbal

Date: Sun, 1st September.   Kickoff: 2:10 PM.   Halftime: Norths 18-12.   Penalties: Norths 9-6.   Referee: Jarrod Cole.   

Norths: Lipp, Paskins, Niu, Gagan, Kaho; Wright, Ahearn; Jenkins, Moseley (C), Fai, Keeley, Simbiken, Teague. Int: Simpkins, Christian, Duffy, Elliott.
Redcliffe: McGrath, Dobson, Numambo, Te Whare, Nonu; Siegwalt, James; Lolesio, Graham, Frei, Tawha, Purcell, Bailey (C). Int: Watts, FINEANGANOFO, Boland, Lewis.

Norths Devils (46)
Tries: Julian Christian 2, Jack Ahearn, Jacob Gagan, Cooper Jenkins, Blake Paskins, Oryn Keeley, Manase Kaho, Jeremiah Simbiken
Goals: Jordan Lipp 5/9

Redcliffe Dolphins (18)
Tries: Max Bailey, Aublix Tawha, Valynce Te Whare
Goals: Latrell Siegwalt 3/3

Upcoming Finals fixtures

Week 2 - Semi Finals

Redcliffe Dolphins v Central Queensland Capras
Kayo Stadium

Sunshine Coast Falcons v PNG Hunters
Sunshine Coast Stadium

Week 3 - Preliminary Finals

Northern Pride v winner Redcliffe-Central
Barlow Park

Norths Devils v Sunshine Coast-PNG
Bishop Park