And that's the game! An exciting game of Rugby League, and the Knights have come away with the game 22-20.
Marshall goes for a short kick off, but the Knights pick it up.
The Knights will need to hold on for 30 seconds...
Ken Sio attempts the conversion from the right sideline this time. It's again across the face of the goal.
But it doesn't matter! Buhrer kicks on the last, across field, and SKD is there to catch it and muscle his way over for a try. Absolute rocks and diamonds this bloke!
Ponga almost gets to the line, but it stopped just short.
SKD milks a penalty, and the Knights kick their way downfield.
Brooks gets tackled with the ball on the last, and the Knights will need to go 95 metres.
Mitchell Pearce is leaving the field now for a Head Injury Assessment.
But Ese'ese loses the ball after the Tigers' arm knocks it out.
A seven tackle set for the Knights, after Marshall's kick goes astray.
The Knights kick high on the last. SKD comes down with it, and attempts a pass, but the ball goes to ground.
Ponga lines up from the left sideline, but he floats it across the face of goal.
It's a try! Sio gets a hattrick, and Ponga will line up the conversion attempt to tie the game.
Ken Sio looks to have scored in the corner for his third! We're going to the bunker...
It's no try. No surprise there.
We're going to the bunker, but it's most likely a no try, with Fitzgibbon held up over the line. The Knights are looking dangerous though.
Massive penalty to the Knights. The Tigers are penalised for blocking, with Brooks just taking out the kick chaser on the way through.
A contested bomb on the Tigers' 10 metre line, but Malakai Watene-Zelezniak is up to the task.
The Knights really lifting the intensity in defence. The Tigers have only made 20 metres from their set.
Marsters takes the two, and the Tigers are back to a converted try in front.
Thompson makes a break, and it's Ponga again that cleans up. Fitzgibbon then concedes a penalty only metres from his tryline. The Tigers opt for the 2.
Brooks kick back inside on the last, but Ponga reads it well and gets underneath it. He's then buckled under an awkward tackle, but he's ok.
The Knights kick deep on the last from well within their own half.
Ponga fails with the conversion attempt.
And it's a try! Some great work on the left edge - a decoy, and Sio scores untouched in the corner.
We're going to the bunker again for another possible try to Ken Sio. Just checking the grounding.
A knock on against the Tigers.
It's Rochow's turn for a heavy hit now, smashing Jamie Buhrer. Absolute hospital ball there from Guerra.
Brooks kicks early looking for a 40/20, but Ponga is back there and cleans up easily.
Ponga throws a long cut out ball, but it goes behind his outside men. Try opportunity gone begging.
The Tigers are penalised, and the Knights will attack from within ten metres with a fresh set.
Yates with another belter of a tackle. He then gets a foot in the way of the play the ball, and the ref calls it sloppy against the Tigers. Perhaps an even up?
Marsters again converts.
And off the back of that, another try to the Tigers. The Knights' defence has gone to pieces so far in the second half.
Luke Yates makes a massive tackle of Taylor. It's a great tackle, but the referees rule it high. Yet another shit call against the Knights. Taylor is off for a Head Injury Assessment.
Marsters converts the try, and the Tigers take the lead.
It's a try! Naiqama reaps the rewards after a dropped bomb from Kenny-dowall.
Marshall kicks from the right sideline back in field, and Shaun Kenny-dowall makes a mess of things. We're going to the video referee for a possible Tigers try.
Marsters adds the extras.
A knock down, and the tackle count restarts for the Tigers. A no look pass from Brooks and Michael Chee Kam scores under the posts.
A good set from the Tigers here, making 60 metres. They kick high on the last, and SKD takes it within his in goal. The refs miss it, and he's forced to play on.
The second half gets underway, and Twal gets monstered from the kickoff.
The dropout goes 60 meters on the fly, and the Tigers only manage 2 tackles after the kick. The Knights go the break leading 10-0.
The Tigers kick into the in goal, but Pearce bats it over the dead ball line. Pearce is having a massive game.
Ken Sio knocks the ball on from a kick, and the Tigers will get a set attacking the Knights' line with 90 seconds remaining.
Pearce drums a kick into touch to get his team a bit of breathing space.
This time Ponga nails the conversion.
And now Pearce does it all himself! A slicing run, straight through the middle of the ruck, some lazy defenders, and a yawning gap. Another try for the Knights.
Another penalty for the Knights, and they'll start a set just their side of halfway.
Pearces goes high on the last again - Malakai Watene-Zelezniak almost drops it, but regathers at the last second.
Benji Marshall is leaving the field for an HIA.
The Knights making good metres down the field at the moment. On the last, Pearce kicks high but the Tigers blockers stop the Knights' chasers from getting through.
A let off for the Knights, with David Nofoaluma losing the ball in the tackle.
The Tigers kick into the in goal. The Knights valiantly try to get the ball out of their in goal but the drop out is forced.
Ponga has no luck with the conversion attempt.
Finally, the Knights have broken the Tigers defence! Ponga sends a cut out ball to Ken Sio, who crashes over the line to get the first try of the game.
Sione Mata'utia kicks early in the set, but it's easily cleaned up by the Tigers.
The Knights with all the ball at the moment, but not able to convert it into points.
An injury to Malakai Watene-Zelezniak - looks to be a knee injury, but he's in a bit of pain.
Pearce attempts a 40/20 but it's stopped just short. Yet another high spiraling bomb from the Tigers on the last.
The Tigers kick high again - it's swirling around and SKD doesn't want to know anything about it. He lets it bounce, and Siona Mata-utia has to clean it up.
The Tigers get a penalty now to help them out of their own end.
The Knights marching down field at the moment - 80 metres in that set, before kicking high on the last.
The Tigers look almost certain to score, but Ponga is there for the Knights to save the day. He then counter-attacks, beating two defenders on his way downfield.
Mitch Barnett makes his way over the tryline, but is held up. On the last, Ese-ese takes a hit up, and dies with the ball.
The Tigers work the ball down field now.
Ponga hits the posts, and the Tigers come up with the ball.
Chance for the Knights - Fitzgibbon draws a penalty 3 metres out from the Tigers' line, and the Knights opt for a penalty goal attempt.
Kick off! The Knights get first use of the ball, and Robbie Rochow has been penalised already for the Tigers. Pearce kicks long down field.
Welcome to Tamworth this evening, for this clash between the Wests Tigers and the Newcastle Knights. Despite it being a Tigers' home game, the Knights look to have the crowd... just. Kick off shortly.
Referees & scorers:
Referee: Chris Butler, Matt Noyen
Touch Judges: Rickey McFarlane, Jarrod Cole
Video Referee: Jared Maxwell, Ben Galea
Tries: Michael Chee Kam, Kevin Naiqama, Corey Thompson
Field Goals:
Conversions: Esan Marsters (3/3)
Penalty Goals: Esan Marsters (1/1)
Tries: Ken Sio (3), Mitchell Pearce, Shaun Kenny-dowall
Field Goals:
Conversions: Kalyn Ponga (1/4), Ken Sio (0/1)
Penalty Goals: Kalyn Ponga (0/1)