Hastings misses a long-range attempt and that's it! It's a draw!
DCE's second attempt goes woefully low and dribble dead. Newcastle has 40 seconds to salvage a result.
Manly surging up the park. FG attempt likely here...
Hastings is forced to grubber 40m out on the last and Manly have it now.
Bullemor surges and next play DCE gets a stab at FG... but it's wide.
Hastings' attempt charged down. Manly come away with it.
End of the set and DCE has to kick from deep. Newcastle already responding, inside Manly's half by tackle three.
Swap ends, game resumes. Manly first use this time.
DCE bursts through on the 4th... tackled... CROKER FOLLOWS... IS HE OVER? No... short!!! Halftime extra time. 32-all.
Manly work it into position again. DCE opts for a bomb which Marzhew and Miller manage to spill backwards... before Marzhew grabs it and GETS BACK INTO THE FIELD OF PLAY! Remarkable saving of a hopeless situation.
Time off briefly, with Mat Croker going off injured after a big bruising Jake Trbojevic tackle.
NO. DCE puts the high ball up and Miller takes it cleanly.
Last tackle Manly is 30m out.... Field goal attempt?
One set into extra time and Hastings puts the kick in and Manly's set starts 20m out.
End of regulation time. We're playing more footy!
Miller's conversion attempt misses and we look likely to be heading to golden point!
Crossland puts it across the field off the boot and YOUNG HAS HIS FOURTH TRY! SUPERB PLAY! SCORES LEVEL!
Newcastle escape at the end of the set with Butler giving them a penalty. Manly try to challenge it but it's unsuccessful. Penalty stands.
Manly have Captains Challenged after it looked like Manly had knocked on. Checking and successful! Manly with a full set on Newcastle's line.
Bradman Best scores for Newcastle... but a minute later the Bunker has overturned it claiming Best knocked on in the surge to the line. Manly scrum 10m out.
Newcastle with a very handy penalty and a full set to attack Manly's line...
This one hooks wide. Manly's lead is four.
GARRICK PUTS MANLY IN FRONT! Hands to the left and Young's wing defence is exposed yet again.
All square. What a contest!
Weekes takes advantage and squeezes through a gap to score!
Time off. Tyson Gamble's come off second best in a group tackle and he's going to miss the rest of the clash under HIA protocol.
Newcastle trying to wrestle back momentum and they force a drop-out now...
Garrick from out wide... despite some noisy attention from hecklers he nails the extras, and it's back to six points the difference.
Easy stuff for the Eagles on the left, Newcastle's defence left wanting. Tuilagi climbs over.
Miller converts and it's a two-converted-try lead with 22 minutes left for the Knights!
HAT TRICK TIME! Dom Young gets away deep in his own half, finds Miller inside... then back for Hastings, Miller again, pushes off a few, Frizell and BACK TO YOUNG!
Ben Trbojevic is heading off injured... and incredibly, Christian Tuipulotu is now back on! Struggle street for the Manly bench.
Newcastle now concede a penalty, Gagai on DCE with a swinging arm of sorts. Manly attack now.
Frizell looks like he's making good metres through the middle then loses it in what looks like an attempted offload.
Confirmation Christian Tuipulotu will miss the rest of the game with a knee injury.
SHORT DROP OUT KLAXON! Newcastle succesfully pot it short and get the spoils.
Newcastle ruled to have received a GLDO by referee Butler, but the visitors CHALLENGE. We're checking the whole play and Manly haven't made any mistakes according to Atkins in the Bunker. Drop-out stands.
We're back underway at Mudgee.
HALFTIME. Newcastle on top both on the scoreboard and generally. Manly looking a bit lethargic. Both sides struggling to defend, despite relatively clean handling today.
Manly survive a Knights attacking raid in the shadows of the break.
Newcastle pick up a penalty, then at the end of that set, force a drop-out. They will spend the last part of this half pressuring Manly's line.
Miller takes the tee now, and he pots it over comfortably.
Lucky the fence goes around Glen Willow Stadium because de-fence is non existent on the rest of the field. Young benefits from a switch play back to the short side, corrects his position a bit as well.
Reuben Garrick adds another two and once again we're locked up - it's 16-all.
Long-range effort this one, Croker finds Tom Trbojevic who creates space on the left for Parker to run away and score the Sea Eagles' third try.
Perfect sideline conversion from Hastings and the Knights are surprise 6-point leaders with 15 to HT.
He's back and he's DOM-inating! Young scores out wide, despite the Knights being a man down and Manly having an extra defender. Poor edge defence from the 'home' team.
Bunker again, this time for Newcastle. Checking whether there's a grounding under a sea of bodies. Saifiti... looks to be short.
Frizell looks to have stopped Brad Parker from scoring... but referee Chris Butler has awarded it as a try. Less than 30 seconds later and we're off to the Bunker, it's a triple movement! NO TRY.
Forceful direct contact to the head by Lachlan Fitzgibbon and he's off for a 10 minute sit-down, just as Olakau'atu comes back on.
He doesn't make a mistake from in front, scores level.
Jack Johns gets first blood in the battle against brother Cooper (as dad Matt watches them both in the crowd). Frizell with a superb ball to allow Johns to charge over under the sticks.
Solid break from Lachlan Fitzgibbon before finding Miller, but the fullback is penned into a corner. Newcastle well on the attack again.
Jake drops the ball just as Manly were starting to look promising.
Jacko's attempted conversion goes wide.
Numbers easy, they go left and Marzhew opens the visitors' account.
Haumole goes from hero to villain, binned for the professional foul of pulling Thompson back. Newcastle penalty and a one-man advantage for ten minutes.
NO TRY, DCE was too close for that ruling. But...
We're checking a potential Knights penalty try, or at the least, professional foul. A grubber through sees Leo Thompson pulled back.
Manly give up possession and Newcastle with a chance, double sets on the Manly line.
Garrick's conversion goes wide.
TRY confirmed for Tuipulotu. Right in the corner!
We're off to the Bunker. Checking a Christian Tuipulotu attempted put-down in the corner. Checking grounding and sideline.
Manly with plenty of pressure on Newcastle now as the visitors give up repeat sets...
Garrick has no trouble with this one.
Haumole Olakau'atu gets the opener after fending off defenders just inside Newcastle's half, steaming toward the line and Lachlan Miller was bizarrely too far back to defend the try.
Both sides comfortably through their opening sets with little issue. Metres relatively easy to come by so far.
We're underway. Newcastle get the ball first. They're wearing their mostly-white away jersey today, Manly in their traditional maroon with white hoops.
Beautiful Mudgee today's venue. Manly with Cooper Johns into the side with five-eighth Josh Schuster out injured; Newcastle lose Hymel Hunt, replaced on the wing by Dom Young. Eagle Rock rings out over the Central West as the maroon and white bound out onto the lush surface.
Referees & scorers:
Referee: Chris Butler
Touch Judges: Dave Munro, Damian Brady
Video Referee: Grant Atkins
Tries: Haumole Olakau'atu, Reuben Garrick, Christian Tuipulotu, Brad Parker, Kelma Tuilagi, Kaeo Weekes
Field Goals: Daly Cherry-Evans (0/2)
Two Point Field Goals: Daly Cherry-Evans (0/0)
Conversions: Reuben Garrick (4/6)
Penalty Goals:
Tries: Greg Marzhew, Jack Johns, Dominic Young (4)
Field Goals: Jackson Hastings (0/1)
Two Point Field Goals: Jackson Hastings (0/1)
Conversions: Jackson Hastings (2/3), Lachlan Miller (2/3)
Penalty Goals: