A dominant second half has seen the Warriors claim a 30-8 victory over the Dolphins in Auckland.
The Dolphins move the ball but Aitken is wrapped up on the last.
Isaako hits the post.
Isaako gets a consolation try.
Bunty Afoa knocks on.
Dolphins knock on.
Charnze Nicoll-Klokstad cleans up a chip from Milford.
Isaako is cut down inside the Warriors half.
Johnson converts.
Katoa rolled the dice with a cut-out pass and came up short with DWZ pouncing.
DWZ speeds away for his second!
Johnson maintains his perfect record with the boot.
DWZ touches down in near identical play to the earlier denied try.
He won't be denied this time!
Jackson Ford intercepts a pass and the Warriors are back on the attack.
The Warriors are challenging the decision.
The Warriors lose the ball on the attack.
Charnze Nicoll-Klokstad holds his nerve as a grubber from the Dolphins rolls dead.
The Dolphins win the challenge and get a penalty for a strip.
The Dolphins are challenging the ruling of knock on against Te Whare.
Valynce Te Whare loses the ball.
Marcelo Montoya is back on for the Warriors.
Valynce Te Whare takes on the line but is denied by Josh Curran.
Dolphins penalty.
Josh Curran drops an offload from Adam Pompey with the try line in sight.
Warriors penalty.
Six again for the Warriors.
Charnze Nicoll-Klokstad is slow to his feet.
Johnson converts.
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Great work by Bayley Sironen to instigate the try with an offload; Niukore finds Metcalf in support to score.
Metcalf puts on the speed to streak away for a try.
Niukore makes a break...
Johnson pushes the Warriors out beyond a converted try.
Johnson takes on the line with footwork and gets his second!
Mark Nicholls drops the ball on halfway.
NO TRY. DWZ is denied due to a Niukore obstruction.
Great work by the Warriors spine: Egan > Johnson > CNK > DWZ.
The bunker is checking for an obstruction: Marata Niukore is ruled to have obstructed Isaiya Katoa.
DWZ slams the ball down with an acrobatic finish.
Mitchell Barnett crashes over the line but can't ground the ball.
Nikorima knocks on close to his goal line.
Marata Niukore is tackled on the last ten from the try line.
Marcelo Montoya is off for a HIA.
Anthony Milford has been sent to the sin bin for a late shot on Marcelo Montoya.
Charnze Nicoll-Klokstad makes a great run; he links with Metcalf who has to offload before being taken over the sideline.
Marata Niukore can't hold onto a pass ten metres out from the try line.
Mark Nicholls cleans up a grubber kick from Johnson.
Dallin Watene-Zelezniak makes a great kick return up to the 30 metre line.
Shaun Johnson is tackled on the last 15 out from the try line.
Mason Teague is on for Lemuelu.
Lemuelu is coming from the field for a HIA.
Play has topped with Connelly Lemuelu and Ray Stone both in discomfort.
Tesi Niu is hit by Niukore after catching a bomb from Johnson.
Play is back under way - Addin Fonua-Blake returns the ball over the 20 metre line.
NO TRY. Luke Metcalf is penalised for a double movement.
Luke Metcalf is claiming a try - the bunker will check for a possible double movement.
The Dolphins come up with an error inside the Warriors half.
Kodi Nikorima is slow to his feet after copping an accidental arm from Josh Curran.
Dallin Watene-Zelezniak is down and clutching at his lower leg.
Isaako pulls the kick left of the posts.
Nikorima's cut-out pass was touched by DWZ before falling into the arms of Niu.
Tesi Niu gets the Dolphins on the board after a cut-out pass from Nikorima.
The Dolphins get the ball ten metres out from the Warriors try line after Marcelo Montoya opts to bat a kick over the sideline.
Addin Fonua-Blake loses the ball inside the Dolphins half.
Mark Nicholls is belted by Addin Fonua-Blake; Kenny Bromwich is receiving treatment from a trainer.
Dallin Watene-Zelezniak can't hold onto a pass from Josh Curran close to the try line.
NO TRY. Isaako knocks on in the field of play.
Valynce Te Whare is claiming a try; Milford chipped for Isaako but the winger knocked on while contesting the ball.
Six again for the Dolphins.
Brenko Lee is off the field; Valynce Te Whare comes on at centre.
Max Plath is on for his NRL debut.
Great work from Kodi Nikorima to intercept a pass in the lead up to that passage.
The Dolphins butcher a try - Tesi Niu had a clean run to the line but the pass was forward.
Six again for the Dolphins.
Jamayne Isaako is cut down close to the try line.
The Warriors will get the ball following a forward pass from Anthony Milford.
Kodi Nikorima does well to clean up an attacking kick from Marata Niukore.
Katoa overpowers his kick to gift the Warriors a seven tackle set.
Rocco Berry has been ruled out of the match after failing his HIA.
Milford finds touch five metres out from the Warriors line.
Dallin Watene-Zelezniak is wrapped up ten metres out from the try line.
Anthony Milford pulls off a great hit on his opposite number Luke Metcalf.
Warriors penalty.
Niukore loses the ball.
Josh Curran is on for Rocco Berry; Marata Niukore is set to shift into the centres.
Jarrod Wallace is on report.
Warriors penalty. Jarrod Wallace is deemed to have shoulder charged Rocco Berry.
Rocco Berry is hit hard and he loses the ball.
Bunty Afoa is on report for a crusher tackle.
Dolphins penalty.
NO TRY. Tesi Niu has done a tremendous job to hold CNK up over the line.
Charnze Nicoll-Klokstad is claiming a try.
Kenny Bromwich loses the ball and the Warriors are on the attack 30 metres out from the Dolphins line.
Milford's bomb bounces; Tesi Niu puts in a grubber that is fielded by Charnze Nicoll-Klokstad.
Johnson bombs, but Tesi Niu is up to the challenge.
Johnson adds the extras to give the home side a 6-0 lead.
Johnson throws a dummy and sidesteps the fullback to open the scoring.
The Warriors win the challenge and retain the ball 30 metres out from the Dolphins line.
Jackson Ford knocks on just inside the Dolphins half; the Warriors will challenge the call.
The Warriors get a penalty coming out of their own end.
Rocco Berry is cut down five metres out from the try line on the last tackle.
Warriors penalty. The Dolphins are ruled inside the ten from an attacking kick.
We have kick-off - Herman Ese'ese takes the first run of the afternoon.
The Warriors, led out by Tohu Harris, are on the field wearing a 2003 replica strip.
Jesse Bromwich leads the Dolphins onto the field for the first time in New Zealand.
This is the first meeting between the two teams.
The Dolphins have been dealt a blow with Jeremy Marshall-King out. Ray Stone will start at hooker with Jarrod Wallace coming into the starting pack; Max Plath will make his NRL debut as the new man on the bench.
The Warriors have a change on the bench with Tom Ale coming in for Dylan Walker.
Welcome to League Unlimited’s coverage of Round 14 Saturday Afternoon Football between the New Zealand Warriors and the Dolphins from Go Media Stadium.
Referees & scorers:
Referee: Grant Atkins
Touch Judges: Darian Furner, Nick Pelgrave
Video Referee: Gerard Sutton
Tries: Shaun Johnson (2), Dallin Watene-Zelezniak (2), Luke Metcalf
Conversions: Shaun Johnson (5/5)
Tries: Tesi Niu, Jamayne Isaako
Conversions: Jamayne Isaako (0/2)