Staggs converts and Brisbane win!
Selwyn Cobbo swops on a pass from Dearden to seal it for Brisbane.
Brendan Piakura is wrapped up on the last tackle.
The Cowboys are challenging (for no reason) and lose.
Semi Valemei is tackled over the sideline - the Broncos will get home now.
Brisbane lose the ball and the Cowboys are back on the attack.
NO TRY. Feldt loses control with the line in sight.
Feldt chips for himself and regathers - but he loses control as he tries to get the ball down.
The Broncos are defending with a Capewell and Walters at wing and centre.
Townsend misses again.
The Cowboys aren't dead yet!
The Cowboys will get the ball back from the kick-off after an accidental offside involving Farnworth and Piakura.
Staggs is off the mark with his conversion.
Reece Walsh finishes off the run from Staggs to seal the result for Brisbane.
Kotoni Staggs makes a huge run...
Reece Walsh over power his kick which sees the Cowboys get a seven tackle set.
The Cowboys lose the ball close to the try line.
Six again for the Cowboys.
Kurt Capewell loses the ball ten metres out from hi try line.
The Cowboys run the ball on the last tackle to no avail.
Heilum Luke catches a bomb from Townsend, he manages to offload to Peta Hiku - Ezra Mam manages to intercept a pass intended for Semi Valemei.
NO TRY. Piakura loses possession of the ball in the act of scoring.
Brendan Piakura tries to crash over but can't get the ball to the ground.
Six again for Brisbane.
Ezra Mam is into space... he finds Xavier Willison who is cut down inside the Cowboys 20 metre zone.
Townsend can't add the extras from the sideline.
Feldt scores in the corner.
The Cowboys force a line drop out with a good kick from Townsend.
Heilum Luki swoops on a pass from Cobbo to let the Cowboys off the hook.
Selwyn Cobbo is into space!
Staggs puts the Broncos up by 14.
Great work from Mam to back up Patrick Carrigan for the Broncos third of the afternoon.
Mam scores!
Brendan Piakura puts a shot on Semi Valemei with the ball in hand.
The Cowboys get the ball back from the short drop out.
Semi Valemei is trapped in-goal following a well-placed grubber by Ezra Mam.
Selwyn Cobbo returns the ball over the Broncos 20 metre line.
Staggs pushes the Broncos beyond a converted try.
Jamayne Taunoa-Brown is on report.
Broncos penalty.
Six again for the Broncos.
Arthars has been ruled out for the match with a Category 1 concussion.
The bunker has overturned the decision of penalty - Arthars is off the field and the Broncos play the ball coming off their line.
The Broncos get a penalty after a big shot on Jesse Arthars by Jake Granville.
The Broncos manage to deny Chad Townsend close to the line.
Peta Hiku makes a great run up to the Broncos 10 metre line.
Both sides are trading sets after the break.
We are back underway for the second half.
Townsend narrows the deficit to a converted try at the break.
Chad Townsend will attempt a penalty goal after Herbie Farnworth was penalised for being offside.
Cowboys penalty.
Townsend puts up a bomb and the Broncos are penalised for being offside from the kick.
Jock Madden chips for himself but the kick rolls dead.
Herbie Farnworth manages to get a pass away despite Semi Valemei appearing to wrap the centre up.
NO TRY. The bunker supports the referee's on-field call that Herbie Farnworth was held up over the try line.
Semi Valemei does a superb job to hold Herbie Farnworth over the line.
Chad Townsend aims for a 40/20 but doesn't have the angle to execute the kick.
Scott Drinkwater defuses a bomb from Josh Madden.
Murray Taulagi forces the ball from Ezra Mam's grasp on the last tackle.
The Cowboys fail to get to their kick on the final tackle.
Jake Granville is belted by Keenan Palasia in a big hit.
Tyson Smoothy swoops on a Cowboys attacking kick.
Semi Valemei watches a pass from Chad Townsend roll over the sideline; the Cowboys fortunately get a penalty close to the posts.
Luciano Leilua forces the ball from Patrick Carrigan's grasp and the Cowboys have possession on halfway.
The Broncos have all the running at the moment.
Brendan Piakura makes a destructive run close to the Cowboys line.
Staggs converts.
After a couple of misses, Billy Walters takes a run and finds Carrigan in support to score next to the posts.
Carrigan gets his second try in as many weeks!
Brisbane find touch from a penalty on halfway.
Scott Drinkwater dances through the Broncos defence and finds Kyle Feldt in support; the veteran winger can't hold onto the pass and the Broncos are back on the attack.
Brendan Piakura splits the Cowboys defence - once again the Broncos butcher a try-scoring opportunity.
Ezra Mam was certain to score if Flegler passed the ball - the Broncos may well rue that moment.
Jock Madden is wrapped up a metre out from the try line on the last tackle.
Thomas Flegler is in open space... the prop throws a dummy and ignores his support man.
Scott Drinkwater drops a pass from Reece Robson just as the Cowboys were threatening close to the try line.
Cowboys penalty.
Townsend is off target from the sideline.
The veteran winger races over to score the Cowboys' first of the day.
He scores this time in the corner.
Six again for the Cowboys after Reece Walsh dropped a bomb close to the try line.
Cowboys penalty.
Selwyn Cobbo can't hold onto a pass from Reece Walsh; the Cowboys get a much-needed reprieve coming off their own line.
Jock Madden puts up a brilliant bomb that forces Kyle Feldt in goal.
Farnworth and Arthars combin to put the Broncos back on the attack.
Staggs nails his kick from the sideline.
Brisbane shift the ball left and Arthars touches down in the corner.
Walters is cut down a metre from the line.
NO TRY. The Cowboys created space from a scrum for Feldt, however the veteran winger was forced over the sideline by Kotoni Staggs.
Kyle Feldt is claiming a try...
The Broncos come up with an error inside their own 20.
Jesse Arthars comes up with a terrific catch close to his own line.
The Townsville fans let their appreciation be heard after the Cowboys are awarded a penalty.
Reece Walsh is tackled by Reuben Cotter five metres out from the Broncos line.
Madden gets a kick away; Semi Valemei returns the ball close to his 20 metre line.
Jason Taumalolo takes the Cowboys onto Queensland Country Bank Stadium - kick-off is only moments away.
The Broncos are on the field.
The Cowboys have won two of the three meetings against the Broncos at Queensland Country Bank Stadium.
Both sides have won eight matches apiece from 16 meetings since the epic 2015 Grand Final
The Broncos will be without Adam Reynolds; Jock Madden will start at halfback with Xavier Willison replacing Kobe Hetherington on the bench.
The Cowboys have been dealt a blow with strike centre Valentine Holmes suspended for the remainder of the regular season; Kyle Feldt will come into the backline as his replacement.
Welcome to League Unlimited’s coverage of Round 23 Saturday Afternoon Football between the North Queensland Cowboys and the Brisbane Broncos from Queensland Country Bank Stadium.
Referees & scorers:
Referee: Gerard Sutton
Touch Judges: David Munro, Nick Morel
Video Referee: Matt Noyen
Tries: Kyle Feldt (2), Heilum Luki
Conversions: Chad Townsend (0/3)
Penalty Goals: Chad Townsend (1/1)
Tries: Jesse Arthars, Patrick Carrigan, Ezra Mam, Reece Walsh, Selwyn Cobbo
Conversions: Kotoni Staggs (4/5)
Penalty Goals: Kotoni Staggs (1/1)