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9 hours ago | LeagueUnlimited Team
OUT NOW - the latest issue of The Front Row, our exclusive online e-magazine and match programme for State of Origin 3 and Super League Playoffs Week 2!
As the decider approaches, this week's edition features a long-form interview - Rick Edgerton had a chat with Maroons legend Trevor 'The Axe' Gillmeister about his career and more. Steve Mascord looks at Origin from the perspective of Wednesday's event being the first in Australia to host a full stadium of fans (or is that 'speccies'?). Mascord and John Davidson have your Super League needs covered in our second section, including a tribute to retiring Wigan legend Sean O'Loughlin, a Wigan team poster, and a look back at some of the unique things to come from the season in the Northern Hemisphere.
Add to that all the regular features you've come to expect - the Origin III match programme along with teamlists and details for the two Super League semi finals - and you have one fantastic 32-page magazine! Happy reading!
If you're having trouble viewing the magazine on this page, click here to open it in a new window.
To download a PDF version, click here.
Printed versions can be ordered from MascordBrownz in the UK and Australia.
As we do each week, we express our gratitude to our incredible contributors and partners;
Got any questions about the content, feedback, or want to enquire about advertising? Email us via media@leagueunlimited.com